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Quassel-core is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core.

This container handles the IRC connection (quasselcore) and requires a desktop client (quasselclient) to be used and configured. It is designed to be always on and will keep your identity present in IRC even when your clients cannot be online. Backlog (history) is downloaded by your client upon reconnection allowing infinite scrollback through time.


Supported Architectures

We utilise the docker manifest for multi-platform awareness. More information is available from docker here and our announcement here.

Simply pulling should retrieve the correct image for your arch, but you can also pull specific arch images via tags.

The architectures supported by this image are:

Architecture Available Tag
x86-64 amd64-<version tag>
arm64 arm64v8-<version tag>

Application Setup

Quassel wiki: quassel

A great place to host a quassel instance is a VPS, such as DigitalOcean. For $5 a month you can have a 24/7 IRC connection and be up and running in under 55 seconds (or so they claim).

Once you have the container running, fire up a quassel desktop client and connect to your new core instance using your droplets public IP address and the port you specified in your docker run command default: 4242. Create an admin user, select SQLite as your storage backend (Quassel limitation). Setup your real name and nick, then press Save & Connect.

You're now connected to IRC. Let's add you to our IRC room on Freenode. Click 'File' > 'Networks' > 'Configure Networks' > 'Add' (under Networks section, not Servers) > 'Use preset' > Select 'Freenode' and then configure your identity using the tabs in the 'Network details' section. Once connected to Freenode, click #join and enter That's it, you're done.

Stateless usage

To use Quassel in stateless mode, where it needs to be configured through environment arguments, run it with the --config-from-environment RUN_OPTS environment setting.

Env Usage
AUTH_LDAP_FILTER LDAP Authentication Filters

Additionally you have RUN_OPTS that can be used to customize pathing and behavior.

Option Example
--strict-ident strictly bool --strict-ident
--ident-daemon strictly bool --ident-daemon
--ident-port --ident-port "10113"
--ident-listen --ident-listen "::,"
--ssl-cert --ssl-cert /config/keys/cert.crt
--ssl-key --ssl-key /config/keys/cert.key
--require-ssl strictly bool --require-ssl

Minimal example with SQLite:

docker create \
  --name=quassel-core \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e TZ=Europe/London \
  -e RUN_OPTS='--config-from-environment' \
  -e DB_BACKEND=SQLite \
  -p 4242:4242 \
  -v <path to data>:/config \
  --restart unless-stopped \


To help you get started creating a container from this image you can either use docker-compose or the docker cli.

    container_name: quassel-core
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Etc/UTC
      - RUN_OPTS=--config-from-environment #optional
      - /path/to/quassel-core/data:/config
      - 4242:4242
      - 113:10113 #optional
    restart: unless-stopped

docker cli (click here for more info)

docker run -d \
  --name=quassel-core \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e TZ=Etc/UTC \
  -e RUN_OPTS=--config-from-environment `#optional` \
  -p 4242:4242 \
  -p 113:10113 `#optional` \
  -v /path/to/quassel-core/data:/config \
  --restart unless-stopped \


Containers are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above). These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate <external>:<internal> respectively. For example, -p 8080:80 would expose port 80 from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port 8080 outside the container.

Ports (-p)

Parameter Function
4242 The port quassel-core listens for connections on.
10113 Optional Ident Port

Environment Variables (-e)

Env Function
PUID=1000 for UserID - see below for explanation
PGID=1000 for GroupID - see below for explanation
TZ=Etc/UTC specify a timezone to use, see this list.
RUN_OPTS=--config-from-environment Custom CLI options for Quassel

Volume Mappings (-v)

Volume Function
/config Database and quassel-core configuration storage.

Miscellaneous Options

Parameter Function

Environment variables from files (Docker secrets)

You can set any environment variable from a file by using a special prepend FILE__.

As an example:

-e FILE__MYVAR=/run/secrets/mysecretvariable

Will set the environment variable MYVAR based on the contents of the /run/secrets/mysecretvariable file.

Umask for running applications

For all of our images we provide the ability to override the default umask settings for services started within the containers using the optional -e UMASK=022 setting. Keep in mind umask is not chmod it subtracts from permissions based on it's value it does not add. Please read up here before asking for support.

User / Group Identifiers

When using volumes (-v flags), permissions issues can arise between the host OS and the container, we avoid this issue by allowing you to specify the user PUID and group PGID.

Ensure any volume directories on the host are owned by the same user you specify and any permissions issues will vanish like magic.

In this instance PUID=1000 and PGID=1000, to find yours use id your_user as below:

id your_user

Example output:

uid=1000(your_user) gid=1000(your_user) groups=1000(your_user)

Docker Mods

Docker Mods Docker Universal Mods

We publish various Docker Mods to enable additional functionality within the containers. The list of Mods available for this image (if any) as well as universal mods that can be applied to any one of our images can be accessed via the dynamic badges above.

Support Info

  • Shell access whilst the container is running:

    docker exec -it quassel-core /bin/bash
  • To monitor the logs of the container in realtime:

    docker logs -f quassel-core
  • Container version number:

    docker inspect -f '{{ index .Config.Labels "build_version" }}' quassel-core
  • Image version number:

    docker inspect -f '{{ index .Config.Labels "build_version" }}'

Updating Info

Most of our images are static, versioned, and require an image update and container recreation to update the app inside. With some exceptions (noted in the relevant, we do not recommend or support updating apps inside the container. Please consult the Application Setup section above to see if it is recommended for the image.

Below are the instructions for updating containers:

Via Docker Compose

  • Update images:

    • All images:

      docker-compose pull
    • Single image:

      docker-compose pull quassel-core
  • Update containers:

    • All containers:

      docker-compose up -d
    • Single container:

      docker-compose up -d quassel-core
  • You can also remove the old dangling images:

    docker image prune

Via Docker Run

  • Update the image:

    docker pull
  • Stop the running container:

    docker stop quassel-core
  • Delete the container:

    docker rm quassel-core
  • Recreate a new container with the same docker run parameters as instructed above (if mapped correctly to a host folder, your /config folder and settings will be preserved)

  • You can also remove the old dangling images:

    docker image prune

Image Update Notifications - Diun (Docker Image Update Notifier)


We recommend Diun for update notifications. Other tools that automatically update containers unattended are not recommended or supported.

Building locally

If you want to make local modifications to these images for development purposes or just to customize the logic:

git clone
cd docker-quassel-core
docker build \
  --no-cache \
  --pull \
  -t .

The ARM variants can be built on x86_64 hardware using multiarch/qemu-user-static

docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset

Once registered you can define the dockerfile to use with -f Dockerfile.aarch64.


  • 26.08.23: - Rebase to Alpine 3.20.
  • 10.11.23: - Rebase to Alpine 3.18.
  • 03.07.23: - Deprecate armhf. As announced here
  • 13.02.23: - Rebase to Alpine 3.17, migrate to s6v3.
  • 03.01.22: - Rebase to alpine 3.15. Add new build deps and apply other fixes for 0.14.
  • 07.08.21: - Fixing incorrect database password variable operator.
  • 19.12.19: - Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
  • 28.06.19: - Rebasing to alpine 3.10.
  • 23.03.19: - Switching to new Base images, shift to arm32v7 tag.
  • 20.03.19: - Make stateless operation an option, with input from one of the quassel team.
  • 26.01.19: - Add pipeline logic and multi arch.
  • 08.01.19: - Rebase to Ubuntu Bionic and upgrade to Quassel0.13.0 See here..
  • 30.07.18: - Rebase to alpine:3.8 and use buildstage.
  • 03.01.18: - Deprecate cpu_core routine lack of scaling.
  • 09.12.17: - Rebase to alpine:3.7.
  • 26.11.17: - Use cpu core counting routine to speed up build time.
  • 12.07.17: - Add inspect commands to README, move to jenkins build and push.
  • 27.05.17: - Rebase to alpine:3.6.
  • 13.05.17: - Switch to git source.
  • 28.12.16: - Rebase to alpine:3.5.
  • 23.11.16: - Rebase to alpine:edge.
  • 23.09.16: - Use QT5 dependencies (thanks bauerj).
  • 10.09.16: - Add layer badges to README.
  • 28.08.16: - Add badges to README.
  • 10.08.16: - Rebase to xenial.
  • 14.10.15: - Removed the webui, turned out to be to unstable for most usecases.
  • 01.09.15: - Fixed mistake in README.
  • 30.07.15: - Switched to internal baseimage, and fixed a bug with updating the webinterface.
  • 06.07.15: - Enabled BLOWFISH encryption and added a (optional) webinterface, for the times you dont have access to your client.